The One Enterprise Public Company Limited (ONEE), a leading integrated content creator that extends beyond television broadcasting, has received three prestigious awards at the IAA AWARDS FOR LISTED COMPANIES 2024, organized by the Investment Analysts Association (IAA). The awards, recognizing outstanding CEOs, CFOs, and Investor Relations (IR) professionals, celebrate the exceptional leadership of publicly listed companies that drive sustainable growth and enhance shareholder value through effective engagement with analysts and investors. The winners are selected through a voting process involving analysts, fund managers, and the IAA board.

This year, ONEE, in the Media and Other Services category, won all three awards. Mr. Takonkiet Viravan, Group Chief Executive Officer of The One Enterprise Public Company Limited, received the OUTSTANDING CEO award. The award was accepted on his behalf by Mr. Dew Waratangtragoon, Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Naran Poomsiri, Group Chief Financial Officer, received the OUTSTANDING CFO award, and Mr. Nipas Lapikanont, Head of Investor Relations, received the OUTSTANDING IR award. The ceremony took place at the Grand Hall, The Athenee Hotel Bangkok, yesterday.

Securing these three prestigious awards reflects ONEE's exceptional management capabilities and commitment to sustainable growth. It further solidifies The One Enterprise's position as a leader in the entertainment industry.