Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors emphasizes on the importance of the implementation of good corporate governance and aims to improve the efficiency of corporate governance of the Company to a better standard. To promote good corporate culture in the group of companies promote transparency in management within the organization and build confidence for shareholders, investors, or stakeholders.
Corporate Governance Policy
The Board of Directors emphasizes on the importance of the implementation of good corporate governance and aims to improve the efficiency of corporate governance of the Company to have a better standard and to promote good corporate culture in the group of companies Support transparency in management within the organization, building confidence in shareholders, investors or all stakeholders. For that reason, The Board of Directors has considered reviewing and improving “Corporate Governance Policy” at least once a year to ensure compliance with good corporate governance principles for listed companies 2017 (Corporate Governance Code for listed companies 2017) of The Securities and Exchange Commission and Stock Exchange of Thailand as a guideline for good corporate governance in accordance with the context of the company including changing circumstances and in order to have good corporate governance that may cause the Company's business continue to be sustainable.

Business Ethics and Code of Conduct
The Company believes that compliance with the code of conduct and business ethics is the key foundation for enhancing and enhance good corporate governance and is the cornerstone of stable and sustainable growth. It is also somewhat that helps the company to achieve its strategies and objectives. Therefore, the Company encourages business operations and the performance of duties of those involved in compliance with the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics of the Company.

Internal Control and Risk Management

Articles of Association